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Parent Bulletin 19.04.2024

19th April 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the summer term and I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter break! We have warmly welcomed a number of new staff this week, including Miss Tait as 2nd in PE, Mrs Ling a teacher of Chemistry, Mrs Smith who joins us as another PSA and we have three new Teaching Assistants, Ms Kapil, Mrs Rameshkuma and Mrs Al-Halawani, a new member of the site team, Mr Nair and a new library assistant who started just before Easter, Miss Lynn. I know you will all join us in welcoming them to the College. 

Thank you also for sending your children back to school in the correct uniform, everyone has been looking very smart again this week. As a reminder we will continue to push our expectations to students around uniform and appreciate your support with this. The uniform page on our website has further information, but if you do have any queries or problems, please contact your child’s year team in the first instance.

Today a number of Year 10s had a very early start as they headed to Berlin as part of their GCSE Art and Photography course and will take a long weekend exploring the city as well as taking in a range of museums, galleries and important historical sites. You can follow our social media platforms for regular updates of this trip. Next week, our Year 11s have their MFL speaking exams, starting on Monday, so we wish them every success in these.

This week’s parent bulletin includes slightly more lost property pictures than normal as some departments have had a clear out over the Easter break. If you do recognise anything, please contact reception or ask your child to stop by to claim any items before the 4 week cut off.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,

Lynn Mayes


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