The Link is a support centre at Cambourne Village College, designed to meet the needs of pupils with emotional, social, or mental health issues. It is based centrally in the school and provides a breakout space for pupils unable to attend normal lessons for some reason – either short term or long term. The space includes:
The space is used as a rest space or a learning space depending on the needs of the individual. If a student has a reduced timetable, the space is used for catch-up work. If a pupil is not able to attend a lesson for a specific reason, the work is brought down for the student to complete or the pupil will access a live stream of the lesson via a desktop computer or iPad. Some individual or small group work happens in The Link for certain students.
Pupils can self-refer to The Link where there is a specific need, which will be assessed by staff upon arrival and usually verified via home or the pastoral team. Heads of Year or the school nurse can also refer pupils to The Link for specific reasons. Staff will be informed if pupils have permission to access the provision during the school day – this support normally lasts for one half-term and is then reviewed. Pupils on reduced timetables are referred through the Individual Alternative Education Plan process and The Link liaises closely with health professionals and the District Team (via an Early Help Assessment) to ensure needs are met.
You can view a flowchart for the referral process here
We have school counsellors, youth workers and support for young carers. All staff working with our pupils have completed the necessary safeguarding training. Furthermore, our school counsellors are fully qualified and registered with The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy BACP or The Health and Care Professions Council HCPC.
If you have concerns about your child’s well-being that are non-urgent and need advice you can contact your child’s Head of Year or a member of The Link team.
If you feel that your child is unable to cope and is a risk to themselves or other people, seek advice from 111 and dial 2 to get support from mental health teams. If you have an emergency, dial 999 to get immediate support.
The Link Leader
SEMH Lead Teacher
School Counsellors
Teaching Assistant
C Dear