At Cambourne Village College we aim to work with all pupils in ways that enhance self-esteem and confidence and encourage them to take responsibility for themselves and their learning.
It is our objective to identify pupils who may have special educational needs (SEN) as swiftly as possible, to assess these needs and to work from the pupil’s strengths in order to meet identified needs and address weaknesses. We accept that children have SEN if they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of their peers, or they have a disability that prevents them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided for pupils their age in the college. We recognise that pupils with SEN do not form a fixed group and that the SEN of individual pupils may vary over time.
We hold that individual needs are best addressed by thinking about how we present the curriculum. We value differences between pupils and recognise that the school should employ a range of flexible responses to accommodate their diversity and to meet the many and various needs they present. We recognise the potential of factors within the school environment to prevent or exacerbate problems and we are committed to maintaining an inclusive culture that does not discriminate against any pupil, regardless of disability or special educational need. We are committed to taking all reasonable steps to ensure that the inclusion of a pupil with learning difficulties is not incompatible with the efficient education of other pupils. It is our objective to seek and take into account the views of the pupils during the process of identification and assessment of SEN, when designing individual educational plans and when drawing up individual programmes to address SEN.
Furthermore, we recognise the importance of genuine communication and partnership between school and parents, we respect the validity of differing perspectives and we acknowledge the importance of parental knowledge and expertise in relation to their own child.
We recognise that pupils with SEN may include a cohort of pupils described as Gifted and Talented. The school has a separate policy in place governing its work with these pupils. Please refer to that policy for more detailed information.
Our SEN policy is founded on the following principles:
Cambourne Village College aims to develop the full positive potential of every individual pupil in its care and it recognises that this means the full development of the different parts of individuals’ lives. It is the duty of the College to provide opportunities, through its mainstream academic and pastoral organisation, that ensure that the skills and understanding of all pupils may progress at an appropriate pace, and we are committed to raising the achievement of all our pupils. To this end, we have drawn up the following objectives that relate specifically to SEN:
The school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Helen Scott. The SENCo has responsibility for co-ordinating SEN provision across the school and for managing the SEN Department, known as ‘The Centre’. Members of the Centre staff include teaching assistants (TAs), teacher-counsellors and administrative support staff. It is the SENCo’s responsibility to manage the TAs, as part of the school’s Performance Management Programme.
The main SEN specialisms to be offered by the department are:
Further information about our SEND Information Report can be found down the left hand panel and additional details of the LA local offer can be found at Cambridgeshire Local Authority - Local Offer
Contact us on:
Any complaints about SEN provision should initially be addressed to the SENCo and thereafter to the Centre line manager. Should the complaint not be resolved, parents should refer to the school Complaints Policy, available on the Policies page of the website.
The parent of pupils with disabilities have the right to make complaints to the first-tier SEND tribunal if they believe that the school has discriminated against their child. Claims can be made regarding: