The View is the name given to Cambourne Village College’s specialist centre for pupils requiring a partial or complete alternative provision away from mainstream education. The needs vary from pupil to pupil; they may be emotional, social, medical or behavioural, and this makes mainstream education more difficult for them to access. The View has the following facilities:
All pupils will have an Individual Alternative Education Plan (IAEP) and their timetables will have been personalised to support both the young person’s academic progress and their personal social and emotional development so they can reach their full potential. All pupils will receive additional support with their learning in The View through individual or small group learning but will also be supported in every other aspect of school life such as the post-16 college application process, work experience opportunities and other life skills.
The View operates a fully inclusive unit which supports every pupil based on their individual needs. Each pupil is supported to achieve their academic best in a more relaxed environment, whist also being encouraged to explore and pursue extra curricula activities and Post-16 options. Pupils are all treated with the same level of respect, openness and understanding, and it is expected that this respect is reciprocated towards staff, the learning environment and one another.
All View pupils are referred by their Heads of Year or other members of pastoral care at Cambourne Village College. The young person may have had an IBP (Individual Behaviour Plan), PSP (Pastoral Support Plan), EHCP or some other area of significant need. In some cases, pupils are referred by other local secondary schools.
All pupils in The View have regular reviews of their Individual Alternative Education Plan with their keyworker and their parents/carers.
Inclusion Co-ordinator
Ross McWilliam
The View Leader
Vicki Chapman
Work with external agencies
The View works very closely with the District Team who provide extra support in the form of Educational Welfare, Young People’s Workers, Family Support or In School Support. To assess this type of support, pupils need to have been assessed using the Early Help Assessment (EHA). We also work closely the Police, Social Care, Youth Offending Service, voluntary agencies (such as Centre 33), and Educational Psychologists.