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Curriculum Year 10 / Year 11


Supporting your child

Extended learning

Exam Board and Course Code

AQA GCSE German Syllabus 8668



What students will learn

How it builds on learning


Zeit für Freizeit: Leisure activities – sport, reading, cinema and TV; conditional tense; gern/lieber/am liebsten

Opinions and hobbies from Key Stage 3; continued practice with word order and verbs; revision of nouns and articles

Menschliche Beziehungen: Family relationships; possessives, separable verbs

Separable verbs build on previous work with verbs; extension of adjectives and word order; extension of imperfect tense and modal verbs

Willkommen bei mir: Life at home, routine, food, house rules, healthy lifestyles, social media and technology

Reflexives and separable verbs revise the use of tenses; further work on nouns and articles; complex opinions build on simpler opinions; practice of word order

Ich liebe Wien: travelling and tickets

Questions and answers


What students will learn

How it builds on learning


Wien und Wiener Schnitzel: travel, restaurant dining, shopping, hotels

Continued practice of questions and answers; use of “seit”; consolidation of comparative and superlative adjectives and of the use of nouns and articles

Im Urlaub und zu Hause: holidays, pluperfect tense

Revision of adjectives and extension of tenses; further practice of word order; practice of modal verbs

Rund um die Arbeit: The world of work

Conjunctions with word order; practice with using a range of tenses and nouns

Eine wunderbare Welt: Social and environmental issues

Subordinate clauses, continued practice with a range of tenses; gender of nouns


Pupils will be assessed on two skills at the end of each module except where this occurs near the time of the Year 10 summer exams or the Year 11 mock exams.

Supporting your child

What you can do at home:

Encourage them to use their class and the textbook vocab pages to review vocabulary and grammar regularly;

Encourage them to read aloud – to practise German in a low-stakes way; they could use their end of module questions;

Test them with vocabulary learning;

Listen to German language music/radio using e.g. the app;

Keep an eye out for films, documentaries, travelogues etc featuring the German-speaking world.


Other than standard (Pencil case, HB pencils, pencil sharpener; rubber, coloured pencils, black or blue biros, or ink pen and cartridges, short ruler, reading book – and charged iPad)

Extended learning

Homework policy:

Pupils will be typically be set homework on their last German lesson of the week due for the last lesson of the following week.

Extended study suggestions and reading lists:

All lessons are available on the CATalogue; you will particularly note the revision resources in the Year 11 section

BBC Bitesize Key Stage 3 and GCSE German

Oak National Academy German Key Stage 4

CGP Revision Guide and Workbook and similar can be purchased – pupils provided with a log-in and password at the start of the year - pupils create a log-in and password when they start languages at CamVC - pupils provided with a log-in and password at the start of the year online German courses