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Bulletin 21.10.2022

22nd October 2022

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Here is our final bulletin of this half term:  please do look through the content; there is information about a number of local consultations taking place, as well as information on careers and some half-term events for pupils.

Curriculum Extension Days

Although the poor weather curtailed the orienteering event at Hinchingbrooke Country Park on Thursday, the PE department were full of praise for the resilience and positivity of the Year 9 pupils on their orienteering course.  Year 8 also faced some inclement conditions on Thursday but were able to appreciate the coastal erosion taking place at Walton-on-the-Naze, to round off their learning about coasts this half term.  All other activities ran as planned over the two days, and I’m grateful to the staff for all their work to give our pupils these enriching extended learning opportunities.   Some photos can be seen on our Facebook page.

School Uniform

Please note that pupils should be wearing their grey school uniform jumper over their polo-shirt; it is not permitted to wear an alternative hoodie or coat within the building.  Please let your child’s year team know if you are not able to provide a school jumper and we will be able to help.  Next half term, pupils wearing non-uniform jumpers over polo-shirts are likely to be asked to exchange them for a school jumper for the day. 

The Week of 31 October is a Timetable Week A.  Pupils may be confused by this, since last week was also a Week A – please remind them to check their timetables so that correct books and equipment are brought to school. 

 Thank you for all your support over the past half-term and we wish you an enjoyable week’s break. School reopens on Monday 31 October.


Yours sincerely

Claire Coates



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