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Bulletin 24.03.2023

24th March 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

This has been a busy week. Thank you to all the parents and staff who met for our Year 10 Parent Consultation yesterday:  this was very well received on all sides and some important discussions about pupil progress were able to take place.

On Tuesday this week, five of our Year 10 students went to London to represent the school in the Design Ventura National Challenge, as one of ten teams shortlisted nationally.  Last year, our Year 10 team won the final of this event, so it’s a fantastic achievement by the DT Department to have a team in the final for a second year running.  The students will now have to wait several months before attending the celebration event to find out how they did – but we’re incredibly proud of Karolina, Bofeng, Ash, Zlata and Tom, whatever the final result!  

Last night was our Easter School Concert.  It’s always wonderful to hear the musicianship of our pupils, and this year, the increased size and range of instruments in the concert band was particularly impressive, alongside some wonderful solo and choral performances. Thank you to all the pupils, to the school staff involved, especially the Music Department, and to everyone who formed part of the very enthusiastic audience.

The Not Just Black and White multicultural event of last Friday was hugely enjoyable: an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of cultural heritage amongst our pupils, who sang, danced, recited and displayed some wonderful artwork, shared with a large gathering of family and friends, many in highly colourful dress.  Thanks to all the pupils, staff, and to Ms Gildea for her wonderful leadership of this group.

Study Extension Day:  Year 10 and 11 pupils who are behind in any of their work will be required to attend school on Friday 31 March; parents of those involved have been informed by their teachers.   School finishes for other pupils on Thursday 30th.

This weekend is your last chance to buy tickets for our GRAND RAFFLE!  There’s a fantastic array of prizes – details of these and tickets for £1.00 can be bought via the QR code in the bulletin, and all funds raised go to support Arts facilities for the school and community.

Please remember the clocks GO FORWARD on Saturday night!

Wishing you a very good weekend,

Claire Coates

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