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PB 14.07.2023

14th July 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Activities Week

Most of Year 10 are now on Work Experience until the last day of term, and we’re looking forward to celebrating Activities Week with Years 7 – 9 with a wide range of events from Monday to Thursday.  We will have 9 coaches arriving at school early on Monday morning. Please, if possible, do not drive your child to school unless they have a heavy bag - the carpark will be even busier than usual. 

Sports Days

Year 7 were able to experience their first CamVC Sports Day on Wednesday and left in very high spirits at the end of a brilliant day on the field.  Unfortunately, Year 9’s day was stopped at lunchtime yesterday due to rain making the grass too slippery to run on.  Year 8’s day was moved inside today, with a different set of sporting challenges for each form to take on – but the level of their cheering was unaffected!  Many thanks to the PE Department for organising these events, and to all the staff who supported.  As usual, each form represented a country: this year, staff had made videos about countries they knew well and the levels of fancy dress and face-painting were ingenious. The photos are on  Facebook for all to enjoy.

Boudicca Goes Ballistic! and End of Term Concert

Our Year 7 & 8 pupils performed Geoff Page’s latest musical production on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, with highly enthusiastic singing and slaughter!  The performers were clearly having a marvellous time and it was great fun for the audience, who were treated to a typically witty and tuneful production, and an array of even cheesier puns than usual…

On Thursday evening, some awesome performances from our talented musicians, singers and dancers gave us a delightful concert to celebrate ten years of the school’s opening.  Thank you as ever, to our Drama, Music and Dance Department staff and backstage crew, for this lovely event, and to our performers, many of whom had been on stage for three nights running.  I was humbled to have had the new performance hall theatre named after me during this evening – what an honour. 

School Uniform

I apologise to those parents who have experienced problems with their vouchers for Total Clothing.  I hope that any issues have now been resolved; please contact your Year Team if you have any further problems.  Vouchers for £10 towards the cost of a school-branded skirt or trousers for each pupil can still be claimed on this link and must be spent by 30 July.   Pupils can continue to wear non-branded school skirts and trousers from this term until January, provided that these meet all the uniform requirements we have had this year, except the logo.  This means that styles of skirts and trousers must resemble those on our website, and skirts must reach to the knee.  Our full policy is within the bulletin for you.  

I hope you all have a very good weekend,

Claire Coates

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