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PB 16.06.2023

16th June 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

School Uniform

We are aware of some of the concerns that parents have expressed around the change to uniform expectations for next term. Vouchers to help with the cost of a pair of branded trousers or skirt will be available to all parents shortly, and any family who has difficulty in providing uniform should contact their year team in confidence, as has always been the case.  To address particular concerns around footwear, we have revised the rules to be:

Completely black leather or leather-style shoes that can be polished, with a flat sole. No contrasting branding, sandals, pumps, canvas/fabric style shoes, or boots.

 This will enable more of the styles currently worn by pupils to continue.  Please see the pages inside the bulletin for an illustrated guide.

Year 11

Congratulations to our Year 11 pupils for getting through their exams so well – most will finish today and I hope that they and their families can enjoy a relaxing weekend!   We look forward to welcoming them back for their Leavers’ Celebrations on Thursday next week.  This is also an opportunity to return iPads, textbooks and other school equipment.  We would also very much welcome donations of school uniform and PE kits on this day. 

Sports Awards

Our annual Sports Awards evening was held last night and it was great to be able to celebrate not only the pupils who have achieved so highly in individual sports, but some super team successes for the school this year.  Very many pupils were congratulated and thanked for their contributions as Sports Activators in the lower school and as Sports Leaders in Years 10 and 11.  They perform as wonderful ambassadors for the College in this role. I am enormously grateful to the staff of the PE department for the many opportunities offered to our pupils.

Charitable Trust

Please see the pages later in the bulletin for information about our Charitable Trust, which has done so much to create our new Performance Hall.   We urgently need new trustees to take over posts being vacated by leaving officers.  The role of Trustee does not take much time; please contact me if you are able to offer just a few hours per term to this role.

Wishing you all a very good weekend,

Claire Coates

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