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PB 21.07.2023

21st July 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Activities Week

I hope that all your children have enjoyed Activities Week. Huge thanks are due to Mrs Pearce our Trips Administrator, to Mr Russen for organising events on site this week, to Mr O for his impeccable organisation of Beaumanor, and to all the staff who have given extra time and effort so that our children could experience this end-of-term extravaganza. It’s been great to see so many pupils enjoying new challenges and activities, and to see so many embracing the opportunity to celebrate their cultural and personal identities today.  Thank you for all your support of this.   For a round-up of all this term’s news and events, please see our school magazine, News@Cam

School Uniform

Many thanks to all the families who’ve contributed school uniform to our Recycled Uniform Shop recently.  Lots of garments have changed hands, and more stock is always welcome so that this green and economical venture can continue.  All pupils have been reminded of the uniform requirements for September:   branded uniform, or non-branded items of identical style until January. Please be mindful of the need for school skirts to reach the knee at the start of the school year: details are within the bulletin.

Sixth Form

It’s exciting that the Cambourne Sixth Form website went live this week;  you can watch a virtual walkthrough video of the fabulous new sixth form centre, while waiting for our actual Open Evening on 2 November 2023 – save the date!  :

Staff leaving

Mrs Mallet, one of our founder teachers of ten years ago, is leaving today, to work with the national charity Mathematics in Education and Industry.  She has been responsible for Options, Exams and the school timetable as Assistant Principal and we’re grateful for all her skilful and dedicated work in these roles.   Mr Burgess, our excellent Head of Geography is sadly also leaving us, having built a brilliant department with GCSE Geography results in the top 7% nationally  last year.  Mr Bryan and Ms Wood are leaving us from Science, as are Mr Savill from PE, Mr Olivey from History, Mr Beytell from Maths, Ms Summerville and Ms Doyle from Spanish.  Mrs Weaver who has run our LGBTQ+ group, Mr Parker, Mrs Venables are also leaving us.  We thank them all for their contributions to the College and wish them all the best in their new positions.

All of the teaching positions have been filled and we are fully staffed with teachers for September:  a rare picture for schools in today’s climate. We have some vacancies for support staff for September: please see the website for details. 

Last Bulletin

This will be my last parent bulletin letter as I will hand over all duties to our new Principal, Mrs Lynn Mayes, over the summer holiday.  Lynn is already an experienced headteacher and has spent days with us at school this term, meeting staff and planning for September; I am sure that CamVC will continue to thrive and grow under her leadership.   Thank you for all your support since the school opened in 2013; it has been an honour and a privilege to lead the school for its first decade, and I’m now looking forward to a somewhat more relaxing pace of life!

With all good wishes, 

Claire Coates

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