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PB 30.06.2023

30th June 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Year 11 have their Prom celebration this evening in St Ives - let’s hope the sun comes out again for them! 

Year 10 are having a slightly less joyful time with the start of their Mock exams.  They do, however, have Work Experience to look forward to from 12 July, with those students who have not secured a place carrying out work-related projects in school.

Year 9 had a great time on their Enterprise Day on Monday, organised by Form the Future.  Pupils worked in groups to create innovative designs and pitched these to their peers and to the panel of visitors who led the day.  The visiting entrepreneurs thoroughly enjoyed working with our pupils, reporting them to be creative, enthusiastic, and cooperative – a well-deserved compliment for this year group.

Years 7 – 9 all have Sports Days to look forward to between 12 and 14 July.  This year, each form will represent a country nominated by a member of our teaching staff, to introduce a more nuanced cultural element to the day.

Please see the page within the bulletin for details of the Year 7 performance Boudicca Goes Ballistic!  written by our own Geoff Page and playing on 11 & 12 July. 

For the last week of term, we are looking forward to Activities Week, with pupils engaged in a whole range of visits and events, and Year 7 on their four-day residential at Beaumanor.    On the last day, we are hoping that all pupils will join in a cultural celebration for their year group and will come to school with food and dress that represents their national identity.

School Uniform.  Here is the link to the £10.00 voucher towards a pair of school-branded trousers or skirt; I’m sorry that this did not work for some parents last week:

Strike Days:  School will be closed to pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July next week due to action by members of the NEU.   Year 10 should attend as normal on both days.  On the Wednesday, all Year 10 pupils will attend school in the morning; only those with an exam will stay for the afternoon.  On Friday, all Year 10 pupils should attend as usual for their core RE day. 

If you would like your child in Years 7-9 to attend school because they should not be unsupervised at home, please complete the Form on the link below to book them a supervised place in school.

Very many thanks to those parents and Community members who have contacted me about a possible role as a Trustee for the Cambourne Village College Charitable Trust.  We will soon be forming a committee.  Please email Cat Collins on  if you would like more information on how you could contribute.

Wishing you all a very good weekend,

Claire Coates

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