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Parent Bulletin: 04.12.2020

4th December 2020

This week's parent bulletin is available here


Dear Parents and Carers

School has been running smoothly under the ‘new normal’ arrangements. Ms Gildea gave a very well-received report about the progress of the school Development Plan to our Governors on Wednesday; a link to this presentation is here: Year-10-remote-learning-bubble-closure-survey

Year 11

The students in Year 11 have displayed exemplary behaviour during their mock exams – perhaps the best we have ever seen. Please pass on our congratulations to your sons and daughters for the seriousness and maturity with which they have approached these. Staff are working hard to support the Year 11 applications to Post 16 providers; you will find information about the recent Government announcements regarding an easing of grade boundaries and exam content for next summer, further down in this bulletin.

Keeping Safe Online

We have received further reports this week about pupils – especially in Year 7 - taking part in some very undesirable activities online. Please do check your child’s phone and other devices regularly, and remember that school iPads are not filtered when outside the school. There are useful links later in the bulletin to help you to do this; we’re sure that some parents would be shocked to see some of the sites and social media that some children are accessing.


Just a reminder that it’s compulsory under Covid regulations for everyone to be wearing a mask around school. Please do remind your children to bring a clean mask in a plastic bag to school every day. Ideally, masks should consist of three layers of material, to limit the possible transmission of any coronavirus infection.

CamVC Christmas Appeal – Thank you for the donations received so far.

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our appeal to provide our hardest-hit families with a shopping voucher over Christmas. This appeal is still open: if you’d like to make a donation, please do this on WisePay. The appeal will close on Friday 11 December so that we can process the funds.

Sixth Form Consultation

The consultation period ends next Wednesday, 9 December; you will find the link to the consultation document on the homepage of our website: Please do respond with a very brief, positive message if you would welcome your child having the choice of attending a sixth form in Cambourne alongside the existing opportunities for Post 16 across the area.

Christmas Concert – Keep the date!

Against all the odds, and the stop/start nature of after-school clubs this term, the Music Department is holding a virtual Christmas concert on Thursday 17th December - definitely something to look forward to.

And finally, Coton Garden Centre has donated us a beautiful Christmas tree to brighten our foyer– please pass on our thanks if you are visiting them.

Wishing you all an enjoyable and safe weekend,

Claire Coates


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