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Parent Bulletin: 06.01.2021

6th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope that your first day of remote learning with CamVC has gone well. My sympathy to those of you who are coping with multiple children doing home learning this month, and I hope that you’re all finding our provision user-friendly and for the children, highly engaging. Some more information for you this evening:

Remote Learning - Further information on remote learning for your children has been produced by Ms Emily Gildea, Deputy Principal for Teaching and Learning, and can be seen on the website on this link.

Please do let your child’s year team know about any general issues your child may have with access to this learning; and report any issues with passwords, devices etc to our IT support team. Contact details for Pastoral Support Assistants are at the end of this bulletin.

Problems with iPads or other devices - Please note the procedure if you have a problem with an iPad or other school-provided device:   

  • Contact immediately to explain the problem. You will be given advice and if the problem can’t be fixed at home, you will be asked to bring the device into school for service.
  • Devices needing service can be dropped off on a Tuesday or Thursday before 12.00. Please label with your child’s full name and form. The on-site team will advise whether the problem can be fixed instantly or if they need to keep the device.
  • If left, you will be notified by email when the device is fixed and can be collected. We will aim for a rapid turnaround.

Year 11 Exams - This afternoon, the Minister for Education has announced that teacher assessment will replace public exams. The best summary of advice I’ve seen so far is probably on the BBC website: We will let you know as soon as we have any direct information from the Department for Education.

Please be assured, and reassure your Year 11 children, that they will have every opportunity to present all the evidence needed to generate fair, accurate and robustly moderated assessment grades to replace their formal exams. We won’t know the details of what is required for some weeks; in the meantime, Year 11 students must continue to work hard, ask for help when needed and hand in all assignments on time. As for last year’s Centre Assessment Grade process, staff will not be able to enter into any communication with pupils or parents about predicting these grades, outside of the normal reporting cycle. I’m sure you will appreciate the importance of staff being able to conduct their work in this area with professional integrity, uninfluenced by any such approaches.

BTEC exams will go ahead at CamVC this month and next: pupils affected will be contacted individually.

PSHE - Personal, Social, Health & Economic education lessons:  Changes are being made to the planned PSHE curriculum to ensure the content covered is appropriate for remote learning. This will particularly impact on the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) content planned for Year 9 and 11 pupils; this content will now be delivered once pupils return to face-to-face learning.

Musical Instrument Lessons - Peripatetic teachers will be in contact to arrange individual lessons via Zoom, as per the last lockdown. If you have any queries about this, please contact Mr Mulholland:

History Public Lectures - To cheer and stimulate us through the next weeks, our indefatigable Head of History, Miss Angell, has arranged a series of free public lectures on topics of historical interest.  Look out for the full programme in Friday’s bulletin, but the next lecture is tomorrow and is not to be missed:

Thursday 7th January 4-5pm: Jane Robinson, Social Historian, author of ‘Josephine Butler: A Brief History’ and ‘Hearts and Minds. The Untold Story of the Great Pilgrimage and How Women Won the Vote’. This lecture will cover the Suffrage movement and help us learn more about how women won the vote. You can join the lecture via Microsoft Teams: 

More information is on the attached poster. Please encourage your children to listen, and enjoy together!

Contact details for the Year teams are below: | PSA Louise Boyd | PSA Mel Stanford | PSA Kayleigh Blane | PSA Julia Hewitson | PSA Louise Ramsay


Wishing you all a very pleasant evening. Take good care and kind regards,

Claire Coates

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