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Parent Bulletin: 07.01.2021

7th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope your children are settling into the routine of remote learning. Our Cam-Support Team picked up 86 queries yesterday, so I hope that any connectivity issues are now sorted. Please also let us know via if your child does not have adequate broadband access to connect to live lessons.  We may be able to offer support with this.

Here are today’s notices:

Collection of Equipment from School

Pupils will be able to collect items from their lockers next week at the times below; unfortunately, we can’t allow pupils to come into the building to collect items from various classrooms.

Monday 11th Jan: Year 11. 2-4pm. Maths, Languages and Art materials are available from the Performance Hall. Access the school via the side gate on the Music side.

Tuesday 12th Jan. Year 10. 2-4pm.  Maths, Languages and Art materials are available from the Performance Hall. Access the school via the side gate on the Music side.

Weds 13th Jan. Year 9. 2-4pm. Lockers accessed via Library side gate.

Thursday 14th Jan. Year 8. 2-4pm. Lockers accessed via Library side gate.

Friday 15th Jan. Year 7. 2-4pm. Lockers accessed via Library side gate.


Cam VC Healthy Lifestyle KARATE Belt Challenges and Workouts 

Our PE Department are again working hard at keeping us all fit during lockdown! Please see the attached flier with details of this new activity for the pupils:

Keep yourself keep yourself active and earn your belts. Complete any of our challenges or workouts to progress through the belts. You’ll find everything you need on your PE CLASS TEAMS. 

Thank you again for your patience as our new systems bed in, and have a pleasant evening.

All good wishes,

Claire Coates

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