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Parent Bulletin: 07.05.2021

7th May 2021

This week's parent bulletin is available here:


Dear Parents and Carers

Year 11 Assessments

This is always a busy time of year, but this has been an usually pressured week for teachers as they continue to set, mark and moderate Year 11 tests for summer GCSE assessments.  This is an entirely different level of intensity to the work normally done to prepare students for public exams, and I’m grateful to all the teaching and support staff, and to the exams team, for the many extra hours that this is all taking. As part of this process, we are sharing examples of our students’ marked assessments with teaching staff in our other Trust Secondary schools, in a process known as cross-moderation. Staff across the Trust schools are thus working together to ensure that the same assessment standards are being consistently applied to all Year 11 students across our schools. As you can imagine, this is a demanding process and one that we’re devoting a great deal of time to, in order to get judgements about grades absolutely right.

Political Literacy

Congratulations to all the Year 10 students who gave speeches to our MP, Anthony Browne, during his visit to school yesterday, as the culmination of their Political Literacy Course. The students chose to speak on a wide range of issues, from Period Poverty to Local Government, and Mr Browne was very complimentary on the passion of the presentations and the level of detail included. We clearly have some budding politicians in our ranks!

Covid Testing

I know it’s onerous – but PLEASE keep up the home testing of your children on Wednesdays and Sundays, and continue to upload the results. This week, our reported pupil testing return has dropped to 81%. Please don’t be lulled into a sense of security by the good news on local infection levels; we can keep everyone safer if we continue to test regularly. The next distribution of home tests will be during the week of 17 May.

School Uniform

Thanks to the vast majority of you who send your children to school in full, branded, uniform.  We are working hard to ensure that all pupils are following our school uniform policy and pupils are aware that they will be asked to change into school-provided items if they do not arrive in correct uniform. Failure to do so results in loss of social time.

Message from the Local Authority: Foster for us today and show why you care!

Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council are supporting this year’s Foster Care Fortnight campaign (10th – 23rd May) and urging people to consider fostering as a career. We particularly need carers who can support children and young people between 10 -15 years old, sibling groups of brothers & sisters and short breaks Link foster carers. 

Foster Care Fortnight is the UK’s largest foster care awareness raising campaign and aims to show the positive impact foster care has made on young people’s lives. Foster carers accomplish incredible things every day, and despite the practical and emotional challenges from coronavirus, foster carers continue to provide day-to-day support, love and stability to children and young people who can’t live with their birth families.

We want to hear from anyone who is over 21, has a spare bedroom and the love and dedication to help our young people. We offer round the clock out of hours’ support should you need it, a dedicated supervising social worker who will provide regular supervision and support and generous pay and benefits. Register today at or call 0800 052 0078.

Why not find out more by coming to our virtual information session on the 26th May from 6-8pm. Book now at:


Thank you all for your ongoing support, and wishing you all a very good weekend,

Claire Coates

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