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Parent Bulletin: 09.02.2021

9th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope that you’re all surviving this very cold weather - and that some of you might even be enjoying the snow!

Today is Safer Internet Day - We’re all aware of the currently-heightened risk to our children due to the amount of time they’re spending on-line. This document from the Cambridgeshire Police has some helpful links to information for parents, and tips about staying safe online for differing age-groups. The following link from the document takes you to a top-tip for 11-18 year olds:

Changed Time for Years 10 & 11 English this Thursday - From 4-6pm, the English Department has arranged an on-line live performance of Macbeth for all students in Years 10 and 11, followed by a Q&A session, provided by the company ReadThrough. Please see the link below if you would like to know more about them and what they do.

This session will replace the English lesson timetabled for earlier in the day on Thursday. Please support your child to attend this session on their GCSE Literature set text.

Battle: Cambourne – Day 2

Thanks to the many of you logging your daily exercise! This evening’s standings are:   

1st place: Great Cambourne

2nd place: Lower Cambourne

3rd place: Upper Cambourne

4th place: Cambourne Exiles

Check out the PE Department on Twitter @CamVC_PE to see regular updates.

I wish you all a very pleasant evening, and do take care of yourselves, especially when clocking up your Battle Cambourne miles on icy pavements!

Claire Coates

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