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Parent Bulletin: 11.12.2020

11th December 2020

This week's parent bulletin is available here


Dear Parents and Carers

As you can imagine, this week has been quite challenging in school. I’m sorry that it was necessary to ask the year groups to work at home on different days this week. The BBC has reported this afternoon that the length of time that individuals must isolate after being in contact with a positive case of Covid-19 is to be reduced from 14 days to 10 days. If this is confirmed by the Government, hopefully this would mean that we would be able to revise our plans for next week as some teachers would be released from isolation sooner than expected. We will let you know of any changes to planned remote working times as soon as we can. In the meantime, the current arrangements are on the website:

Free School Meals

The College is working with the Local Authority to distribute shopping vouchers for families on free school meals next week to cover the two weeks of the Christmas holiday. This will operate on the same basis as during the summer. If your child has free school meals and you did not receive a letter on School Post this week, please contact us as soon as possible:

Staff Training Days

You may be aware from the media that the Department of Education has offered schools the opportunity to close on Friday 18 December for an impromptu staff training day, to replace one planned for later in the year. We have plans in place for a full day’s staff training on 4 January and will not be closing on 18 December.

School Development Planning

If you would like to see the PowerPoint that accompanied Ms Gildea’s Development Plan update to the Governors last week, it is on this link: download.php/Development%20Priorities%20Dec.%202020

Christmas Appeal

Thank you for the many generous donations already made to our Christmas Appeal; any contribution of any size towards making the Christmas break better for our pupils who are suffering from financial hardship in this exceptional year would be very gratefully received. The appeal closes on Monday 14 December at 8.00am.

Christmas Concert 

Against all the odds, with after school music clubs halted, pupils working from home, and band members in isolation, we are still having a concert this Thursday – Mr Page describes this as Plan 23. ( I know the feeling...) Please do join us! Details are on the next pages.

I hope that you are all able to enjoy the weekend in some fashion! Take care, everyone.

Claire Coates


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