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Parent Bulletin: 12.02.2021

12th February 2021

This week's parent bulletin is available here:


Dear Parents and Carers

Phew! I think that parents, students, and staff have heaved a collective sigh of relief at the end of an exceptionally hard-worked half term. Thank you for all your efforts in supporting your children’s education under such challenging circumstances – take a look at our Facebook page: for this Friday’s Shout-Outs; staff are continuing to be impressed by the quality of so much of the work achieved.

Parent Survey - We are keen to have your feedback on the effectiveness of our remote provision; if you have not already done this, please take a few minutes to complete the survey on the link below and submit by the end of Sunday 14th February so that your responses can be analysed by Ms Gildea over the half term.

Year 8 Parent Consultation - Parents and carers of pupils in Year 8 should have received a separate School Post message inviting you to book appointments for your consultation; bookings will go live on Friday 19th February at 6pm.

  • Tuesday 2nd March 1:30pm – 4pm
  • Thursday 4th March 4pm – 6:30pm

Please note that Critical Worker School will finish at 12:40 on Tuesday 2nd March. If any pupil needs a space until 3pm please let us know.

Year 9 Options - Thank you to everyone who has attended a guidance interview with their child.  Please remember that the deadline for submitting the options forms is Monday 22nd February; these have been sent to parents via School Post. If any student is still making their final choices, information about the courses on offer can be found on our options webpage:

Battle: Cambourne - DAY 5 Update from Ms Curtis

HEADLINE NEWS: The lead that Great Cambourne have is starting to dwindle as the two other areas of Cambourne are close on their heels. Upper Cambourne are only leading Lower by 7 miles!!!

1st place: Great Cambourne

2nd place: Upper Cambourne

3rd place: Lower Cambourne

4th place: Cambourne Exiles

Thank you to everyone who has been logging their miles. So far we have travelled over 1420 miles. The challenge will continue to run during half term so please do continue to get out and about and log your miles, separately for each family member please. The link can be found here:  Battle: Cambourne

School Reopening - We are awaiting an important announcement from the Prime Minister on 22nd February regarding the reopening of schools - hopefully from 8th March. We also hope for a decision on the process for awarding grades to Year 11 this summer and understand the anxiety that this uncertainty is causing our students.

In the meantime, we wish you and your children a well-deserved, restful and enjoyable half term break.

Please take good care of yourselves,

Claire Coates

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