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Parent Bulletin: 14.05.2021

14th May 2021

This week's parent bulletin is available here:


Dear Parents and Carers

As you are aware, a number of changes have been made to the Covid Protective Measures required in schools by the Government from 17 May. The one of most impact is:

  • Face coverings will no longer be required for pupils in classrooms or communal areas in school, and for staff in classrooms. Where staff or pupils do wish to wear a face covering in a classroom and around the school site, this option currently remains permitted.

All other protective measures remain in place so we will continue with our current set up of year groups remaining largely within their own areas and adults observing social distancing from students and each other.   The revised measures will be updated on the College Covid Risk Assessment on the school website, from early next week.

Home Covid Testing - You may be aware of the report of increasing levels of Covid infection in Bedford this week. This feels close to home: please do continue to test your children and to submit the results. Only 77% of families returned results last week. This has decreased over each of the past two weeks and is an essential part of our measures to keep school safe and open.

Red PE Hoodies - As of next week, pupils will no longer be allowed to wear their red PE hoodies in class as an additional layer over school jumpers. Many students are now replacing their grey school jumpers with their PE hoodies, so the need for the extra layer would seem to have passed.

Afternoon Closure on Thursday 27th May, to allow moderation of Year 11 Assessment

As previously circulated, please remember that school will finish at lunchtime on 27 May and work will be set for home-learning for the afternoon. If you need to have your child supervised or would like them to have a school lunch, please fill in the form/s below.

Students will be taught in the morning of 27th May as usual. At 12.40pm (the end of period 4), they will be allowed to leave the school site. Anyone who would prefer to stay for a school lunch may do so, including those who receive Free School Meals: please could you indicate if your child/ren would like to stay for lunch and leave at 1.20pm on this form.

If you need your child to be supervised for the afternoon, we will provided a supervised place where  they will be supervised by a member of staff while they access their task through their iPad. Please indicate if you need your child/ren to be supervised until 3pm on this form.

Children will have a task set per year group, provided remotely in the way that they are familiar with. They should complete the task and submit it on Teams, as they did during school closure. They will be able to find the task on Show My Homework.

This will be as follows:

Year 7: English

Year 8: Science

Year 9: DT

Year 10: Maths

DfE Publication:  Ofqual’s Student Guide to Awarding Grades: Summer 2021

Ofqual have now published their new student guide to awarding: summer 2021. This guide offers support for students taking GCSEs, A levels, vocational and technical qualifications this year. It is written for students and complements the materials that have already been published for teachers. It also contains important advice on where students and their families can go for more information and support, including support for those with mental health concerns.


We are receiving regular reports of students cycling on foot paths without consideration for pedestrians, on their journeys to and from school. If your child cycles to school, please remind them that they should be cycling on the road or on the cycle paths provided.

Using the toilet during lesson time. Our expectation is that students will go to the toilet and fill water bottles at break and lunchtime. Students with known medical needs have a Toilet Pass so they have access at all times. We have recently introduced the measure that a student who really needs the toilet in lesson time will be escorted by a member of staff. This means that genuine need can still be met, but the number of ‘desperate‘ children has reduced dramatically… This measure will therefore remain in place.


Thank you for your continued support as we work our way through this very demanding half-term. I wish you all a very enjoyable weekend.

Claire Coates



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