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Parent Bulletin: 18.12.2020

18th December 2020

This week's parent bulletin is available here


Dear Parents and Carers

We made it!  As we reach the end of what must be our most challenging term to date, here are some important notices for you:

Remote Learning at start of Next Term

The Government has announced that pupils in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 are to learn at home for the first week of next term: Tuesday 5 to Friday 8 January. We will set remote learning via ShowMyHomework in the usual way. Year 11 should attend school as usual.

We will be inviting selected pupils into school and will also be offering a Key Worker provision for students to come into school to do their remote learning work under supervision. Please only access this for your child if you have no other option; places can be booked on this form

Year teams will be in contact to arrange free school meal vouchers where applicable.

This national closing of year groups is being implemented to allow schools to prepare for the roll-out of Government-provided Covid testing for staff and pupils next term. We are already using the same method to screen our staff for Covid-19 each week. This Government proposal raises many questions which we will address at the start of next term, when the expectations on schools may be clearer. All of these arrangements are of course subject to national and local variation, according to where we find ourselves in January.

Medically Trained Volunteers

The Government has asked schools to recruit volunteers to carry out the required lateral flow testing in schools.  If you have a medical background and are able to offer a few hours per week, please complete this Form and we will be in touch in the New Year. Thank you!

Positive Covid Tests during the Holiday

If any pupil develops Covid-9 symptoms today, Saturday or Sunday, and tests positive, please alert the College immediately on this link: Covid19 Information so that Track and Trace can take place. Please use the same link to leave information about household members.

Free School Meal Vouchers

Families who have FSM should have received two vouchers for £15 for each child from the Government, to cover the two weeks of the holiday. If you have not received an expected voucher, please contact Mrs Sayer: She will help with any problems downloading the vouchers and can print and send them to you if necessary. She is working next week.

Christmas Appeal

Very many thanks to everyone who has made a donation.  Your wonderful generosity has contributed to a fund of £2770, which has been distributed in the form of vouchers for £25.00 for each of our FSM families.

Christmas Concert

If you haven’t yet watched this, you’re in for a treat!  Congratulations to Messrs Page and Mulholland for pulling together such an inspiring set of performances from your talented children! The link is on the front of the website:


And on the subject of treats: this term’s round-up of news  - albeit somewhat shorter than usual -can be found on the website on this link

Keeping Safe on Line

Your children may be spending more time on screens over the next two weeks. Please do look at the guidance later in the bulletin which helps parents to monitor their child’s safety. 

Finally, I would like to thank you for all of your support; your messages of encouragement are always shared with the staff and are always appreciated.

We wish you the merriest Christmas possible, and a happy and healthy new year!

Take care of yourselves,

Claire Coates


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