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Parent Bulletin: 22.02.2021

22nd February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you’ve all enjoyed a relaxing week’s break: welcome back to the second half of the spring term. You are probably aware that the Prime Minister has confirmed today that schools will reopen for all pupils from 8th March, with a strict Covid-testing regime in place. A clear fall in the number of positive Covid tests reported for South Cambridgeshire would seem to support this move and we will be pleased to get all pupils back to school as soon after this date as we can – there will need to be a carefully-phased return. Ms Boyns is in the process of analysing the new reopening guidance and we will communicate our intended arrangements to you as soon as possible. Our risk assessments will be revised to ensure that the safety of pupils and staff remains our highest priority.

I have copied this afternoon’s DfE update for schools for you, at the end of this bulletin.

There are a number of further notices for you this afternoon. Schools have been asked to share the following information from the Department for Education: 

Updated guidance for parents for supporting children’s remote education

We have updated the guidance for parents to support their children’s remote education to provide more information for parents and carers as they support their children at home. We have added top tips for supporting children during remote education, including links to information about the Reading Well booklist that supports mental health. We have also provided information on how to access online resources and services through your local library and online support for parents and carers to keep children and young people safe from online harm.

Regular Rapid Result Covid Tests for Adults

Parents and carers who are key workers or leaving home regularly to go to work are being urged to have regular rapid result tests to help track cases of Coronavirus and drive down transmission rates. Please see the information on the following link:  

Wellbeing Support for Families:  Discover Kooth Webinars

Kooth is a well-regarded support organisation for young people. They are offering a webinar to help Parents understand how Kooth can support their Child with mental health and wellbeing. Kooth can support children alongside other services or while they are waiting for other services to commence. The webinar will demonstrate how Kooth is a useful and supportive support for children and young person as a general wellbeing service. The service is free and safe and offers a range of different features. Please click here to access the dates and times that you can book a place on this webinar.

Battle: Cambourne – DAY 15: Standings from Ms Curtis

HEADLINE NEWS: The distances each area has travelled are phenomenal. To give some perspective, I have added where each area would have reached if they had set off from CamVC around the world (If only we could right now!).

1st place: Great Cambourne - beyond Bucharest,  Romania

2nd place: Cambourne Exiles - almost up to Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

3rd place: Lower Cambourne - beyond Budapest, Hungary

4th place: - Upper Cambourne – almost up to Vienna, Austria

Thank you to everyone who has been logging their miles over half term – it was lovely to see so many families getting out together on walks and bike rides. So far we have travelled over 5000 miles, This is about a fifth of the circumference of the Earth!!! Please do continue to log your miles. The link can be found here: Battle: Cambourne


I hope that you all have a good evening – take good care of yourselves,

Claire Coates


DfE Guidance:  Schools and colleges return to full opening from Monday 8 March

The Prime Minister has announced today (Monday 22 February) that the Government has set out its plan for the return of all pupils to schools and colleges, as part of the roadmap for leaving lockdown, which was published today.

All schools will return to face-to-face education on Monday 8 March.

All primary school pupils will return on Monday 8 March. Primary school staff will continue to take two rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) tests each week at home to identify positive cases more quickly and break the chains of transmission.

All secondary school and college students will take coronavirus (COVID-19) tests as they return to the classroom from Monday 8 March. Schools and colleges will have discretion on how to phase the return of their students over the week beginning 8 March to allow them to be tested on return.

After an initial programme of 3 tests in school or college, students will be provided with two rapid tests to use each week at home. Secondary school and college staff will also continue to be provided with two tests to use each week at home.

Staff and students in secondary schools and colleges are advised to wear face coverings in all areas, including classrooms, where social distancing cannot be maintained as a temporary extra measure.



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