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Parent Bulletin: 27.01.2021

27th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

Today the Prime Minister made the following announcements in relation to Covid-19 restrictions and education:

  • In the week commencing 22nd February the government will review results / data and publish plans for taking the country out of lockdown, including the reopening of schools. 
  • There will be a phased approach to remove restrictions during this period and reopening schools must be our priority.
  • Education needs as much certainty as possible, including 2 weeks’ notice before face-to-face teaching can recommence. 
  • It will not be possible to reopen schools after half term due to these challenges.
  • By the 8th March, we hope it will be safe to reopen schools if the vaccination process continues to operate at the current pace.
  • Catch-Up funding will continue over the next financial year (2021/22) – and an extra £300k made available for tutoring and summer schools. 
  • Extended school closures have had an impact that goes beyond the next year and a longer- term plan will be put in place to last over the length of this parliament. 

This means that a further four weeks of home schooling (not counting the half-term break) are certain and we know that re-opening on 8 March will be dependent on the local and national situation. As such, we will continue to deliver remote learning to the best standard possible and to support our students as much as we can for this next period.

Year 9 Options Process

Guidance interviews for Year 9 option choices started on Monday. If you have not yet booked an appointment for you and your child to attend a meeting with your assigned member of the senior leadership group, please do this as soon as possible. From Monday 1st  February, we will allocate the remaining appointment times to those who have not yet booked. The SchoolPost sent to you on 22nd January contains full details and an explanation of how to book an appointment for you and your child. Please visit to book your appointment. 

The deadline for the online submission of the electronic form to confirm your child’s option choices is the 22nd February. A link to the form will be sent to parents and students next week. 


Log-in figures remain strong but please do keep in touch via their year team if your child is having difficulty in managing their home learning.

I hope that you’re all keeping well. 

Kind regards

Claire Coates

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