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Parent Bulletin: 28.01.2021

28th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

Nearly through this week! Some notices for you, below:

The College will not be open for Critical Worker School over half term. Parents who may have difficulty in accessing childcare over half term have already been invited to submit a Microsoft Form  to the Local Authority, who are looking into alternative suppliers.

Free School Meals. A voucher for £15 per child will be sent to parents to cover the half-term week. This is provided by the Local Authority as part of its Winter Grant Scheme. The Cam Academy Trust will be sending the vouchers out and we can provide assistance with downloading if needed.

Year 9 Options Guidance Interviews. A message from Mrs Mallett:

Please make sure that you are logging on promptly to the Parents Evening System for your options guidance interview, so that you have your full allocation of time. If you are unable to attend your appointment time, please email as soon as possible to reschedule. Your appointment time can then be allocated to another pupil who is currently on a waiting list for that day.

Go4Schools. We are making some further adjustments to the way we’re using Go4Schools during the lockdown period, and are trying to give you enough information to gauge how your child is doing in relation to their teacher’s expectations, while not expecting staff to be giving individual feedback to every pupil, every lesson. Pupils should expect some assessment on key pieces of work approximately every two weeks. The comments now in use are:

  • Excellent Contribution
  • Excellent Work Effort
  • Non-attendance at Live lesson: Attendance at Live lessons isn’t compulsory. Staff will use this when they feel it would be particularly useful for your child to be attending - and we have found that attendance rates increase when parents are made aware.
  • Work as Expected: Reassurance for parents that the pupil has done what is expected of them in terms of effort and standard of work – all is well.
  • Work Incomplete: This indicates that a pupil has done less than expected. Please encourage your child to let the teacher know by email, at the time of the lesson, if they have a problem with the lesson content or a connection issue.
  • Work not Submitted Yet: We know there can be system problems, hence the ‘yet’. Again, please encourage your child to let their teacher know if there is a problem. Please note that teachers won’t necessarily be able to go back and amend this comment when work is submitted late.

We use an analysis of each day’s comments to pick up how pupils are doing and in particular, to enable Year teams to make contact when there appears to be a problem. We’re aware that Go4Schools is a blunt instrument, especially when used for distance learning. If you have any concerns about your child’s learning in any subject, please do let the teacher know via email. 

With thanks for all your support for your children’s learning, and take care,

Claire Coates

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