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Parent Bulletin 01.07.2022

1st July 2022

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Construction Work

This week we received confirmation from the Local Authority that our building project, temporarily put on hold for financial checks, has been given the go-ahead and building will commence on site by September.  The new facilities will be handed over in a phased delivery, and Cambourne Sixth Form will open in September 2024.  This is unfortunately a year later than we had planned, and will mean that our current Year 9 will be the first group to have the opportunity to stay at our own school sixth form.  More information about the construction work will be communicated to you when we have more details.

Year 9 Enterprise Event

On Monday, all Year 9 pupils took part in an extended session of creating and pitching ideas for a new product, in an event organised by Form the Future.   Pupils participated extremely well and were complimented on their creativity and active participation.

Year 10 RE Day

At the same time, all Year 10 pupils were taking part in a study day entitled Solutions Not Sides. This was led by speakers from the Woolf Institute and looked at relations between Israel and Palestine, and religious responses through history to the political situation in the area.   Other external speakers led sessions focused on social justice in the UK and around the world.  The students engaged very well with the sessions.

The Addams Family

Thank you to everyone who came to support our first musical theatre production for three years, The Addams Family.  A split cast ensured the maximum number of pupils possible were able to participate, and the pupils dazzled the audience with their singing, acting and dance, over four performances, with a live band and brilliant support from our backstage and technical teams.  It was fantastic to be able to run such an event again, and huge thanks are due to our Music, Drama and Dance teachers for giving the pupils this wonderful opportunity, and to all the staff who supported in so many ways. 

Year 11 Leaving Day and Prom

Yesterday saw the Year 11s celebrating their last day at school with their final assembly, pizza lunch at school, and the first prom to be held for three years.  As ever, it was a bitter-sweet occasion, as we said goodbye to a great cohort of students.

Next week, we have New Intake Events for our new Year 7 pupils, and a continuation of Year 10 exams, but in the meantime, everyone is appreciating this day of rest!

Wishing you all a very good weekend,

Claire Coates


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