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Parent Bulletin 01.10.2021

1st October 2021

This week's parent bulletin is available here:


Dear Parents and Carers

Covid Cases in School

As many of you are aware, we are experiencing an increasing number of Covid cases in school and today have 68 positive confirmed cases. The majority of these are asymptomatic and were picked up by Lateral Flow Device tests. The highest proportion of cases is in Year 7 and we are contacting families of pupils in the forms most affected, to recommend PCR testing. Please note that this situation is also impacting on our staffing, with numbers either unwell or isolating. Please bear with us as we work through this particularly pressurised time.  

We are in regular contact with Public Health England, who approve the measures we are taking in school. Please encourage your child to bring a mask to school to wear in communal areas.  Classrooms are well-ventilated and where a teacher determines that a classroom is feeling cool, red PE hoodies may be worn OVER grey school uniform jumpers.


Thank you to the families of the 57% of pupils who are testing and reporting LFD results every week. Please would all parents continue to do this - spare test kits are available at school. It is our best way of restricting the spread of the virus.

Covid Vaccination – we are still awaiting confirmation of the new date.

Please note that the school has no role in this process, other than to provide a venue and to pass on information as instructed by the Department for Education. If you have any queries, please contact Our school nurse is not authorised to discuss any aspect of this process with parents. 

Flu Immunisation will take place for all pupils on Wednesday 24th November 2021. Further information on this should be available soon.

Wednesday 6th October – CamVC Open Evening

Fewer pupils than usual have been invited to help at Open Evening next week, in line with our Covid Risk Assessment. If your child has been invited and has brought home a permission letter, please could this be returned to MAIN RECEPTION as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your support with this event.

Pupil Absence

Please see the item on reporting absence in the body of the bulletin, and only call Reception before 10.00 if your call is urgent – we are a bit over-whelmed at present! Please use the email form to report absence; this does not usually need confirmation by phone.

School Uniform

We have met with our school uniform providers over the past weeks and have passed on the frustrations expressed by some parents about the poor service in the summer. We have asked for improved clarity and detail on sizing, and going forward, we will maintain stocks of uniform in school for trying on. We will do our best to run the ‘pop-up-shop’ again next summer. We also addressed some concerns about delivery charges and will offer a collect-from-school service throughout the summer holiday next year, for which parents won’t be charged. If you would like to arrange to try on school uniform, or to look at our second-hand stock, please contact our evening receptionist, Mrs Staines, on

Thank you for all your support as we try to keep school running as normally as possible!


Yours sincerely

Claire Coates

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