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Parent Bulletin 08.12.2023

8th December 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for continuing to support to our Year 11s who have been working extremely hard through their mock exams this week. They’ve been doing incredibly well so far, so please do encourage them to keep up with the revision…there are only 4 more days of exams to go next week!

This week has been another busy week. Aside from the Year 11 exams, we had our first free public history lecture of the year on Tuesday, which was very well attended and the speaker, Helen Carr reminded us that ‘rewriting history is exactly what Historians do!’ Please save the date too for our next free public history lecture: Thursday 25th January 2024 – more information is to follow.

Also, our Junior Choir performed fantastically well at the Rotary Club Christmas Concert in Cambridge on Wednesday. All the pupils were a credit to the school so very well done to all those involved.

Next week, we continue to be busy with our much-anticipated Christmas Concert being held next at 7pm on Thursday 14th December. Tickets and prices are in this week’s bulletin. Our last trip before Christmas also jets off next week; the German Exchange trip leaves on Tuesday 12th to Bad Hersfeld (located just to the north-east of Frankfurt). We hope they have a wonderful time exploring Bad Hersfeld, being with their host families and of course, practicing their German. Finally, our Senior choir will be singing outside Morrisons next Friday 15th from about 4:30pm for an hour – do come along and support them as they raise money for Jimmy’s in Cambridge.

A reminder too that the last day to purchase a Christmas Dinner place for your child is today (Friday 8th). Please see the previous school post that contained information about this (a reminder was sent on the 5th of December) and payment is through Parent Pay. Also inside the Parent Bulletin this week, you’ll find a link to our Year 11 prom fundraiser raffle (with some fantastic prizes to be won), photos of various items of un-named lost property that need to be claimed, and a link all residents in Cambourne and the surrounding settlements are asked to complete on “Do you want a cinema in Cambourne”.

As you are all also aware, our second uniform consultation concluded in October. We have agreed to extend the wearing of non-branded trousers, skirts and shorts into the new year. We ask however that before any new items are purchased, you please read our uniform policy and see the examples of the types of uniform that will be accepted. These are on our website here: If you need help with this, please contact your child’s year team in the first instance.

As a final note, if you are able, please support out Christmas Appeal 2023. This will go to our families with children on Free School Meals in the form of additional supermarket vouchers this Christmas. However much you can give, will be thoroughly appreciated by all who receive the additional help.

Have a lovely weekend,

Lynn Mayes


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