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Parent Bulletin 09.10.2020

9th October 2020

This week's parent bulletin can be found here


Dear Parents and Carers

WisePay Data Breach

As you will be aware from messages on School Post, CamVC was among many schools across the country affected by a data breach at WisePay, our school payments provider, over last weekend.   Any parents or staff members whose account details may have been compromised have now been informed, and all users have been advised to reset the password to their WisePay account. It is recommended that anyone who made a transaction on WisePay should follow the guidance sent out on School Post yesterday, and to contact their bank immediately if it is believed that an account has been tampered with.  

Cold weather 

Please make sure that your child wears a waterproof coat to school when it’s raining.  Within school, we are working at striking the right balance between keeping areas ventilated and ensuring they are sufficiently warm.   We are installing extra thermometers in school so that we can properly monitor the temperature in working areas.  Please ensure that your child has extra layers underneath their school uniform; wearing coats in lesson time isn’t conducive to a positive learning environment and we’re working on ensuring that this is not necessary as the weather gets colder.

Please do not drive along Swansley Lane to drop of/collect your child

The one-way traffic lights on Sheepfold Lane can be frustrating, but parents are asked to avoid using Swansley Lane. With residents’ cars already parked on the road and blocking one carriageway, it is extremely hazardous to cyclists if cars are driving along the road.  Please consider the safety of all our pupils when planning your school journeys.

Wishing you all a very pleasant weekend,

Claire Coates




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