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Parent Bulletin 10.05.2024

10th May 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We've had a shorter week this week, but a busy one! I want to congratulate our Year 10 pupils who progressed in the Speak Out Challenge to the next round in June and to all those who participated in the East Regional Final Spelling Bee yesterday – well done to all involved! I also hope that all the Year 7s who participated in the Spanish exchange and returned yesterday, also had a wonderful experience.

Thank you also for continuing to support our Year 11s as they continue to sit their GCSE exams. They are still expected to be in school for 8.35am each day up to, and including, Friday 24th May. We welcome your support and encouragement in ensuring that your child arrives on time each day, fully equipped for each exam, revision session and timetabled lesson. Study leave for Year 11s will then start after half term.

Please can I remind all parents that if your child needs to leave for an appointment during the school day that you give the College at least 2 days’ notice where possible, by emailing with the dates and timings that your child will be expected to be out of school. We also ask that you remind your child on the day of the appointment that they need to let the teacher know they have an appointment and be in reception at the correct time to be picked up. When collecting your child for an appointment, please come into reception in person so that we can ensure the safety of the child and all safeguarding concerns may be met. Additional information about reporting an absence is on our website here.

Inside this week's bulletin, there is a message from Total Clothing and information about our new supplier, Schoolyard as well as how you can offer our Year 10s a work experience placement, supporting some of our students who are representing the UK in the International LEGO Robotics competition, lost property notices and current vacancies here at the College.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend in the sunshine!

Lynn Mayes


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