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Parent Bulletin 10.11.2023

10th November 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

This morning we held a two-minute silence at 11am for Remembrance Day this weekend. All the pupils behaved impeccably during this time so thank you to all pupils for showing respect at this time. Yesterday afternoon, we also held our first parent consultation of the year with our Year 11 parents. We really hope that you found this useful. We always appreciate feedback, so please complete the parental questionnaire in relation to this: November 2023 Year 11 Parent Questionnaire (

Tonight, is the first music department sleepover! We hope that all 48 pupils have an exciting time and that parents enjoy the concert in the morning. Our Year 9s and History staff are also having a very long, but rewarding day in Ypres today, visiting the battlefields sites. Their scheduled return to the College will be late.

On Tuesday 14th November we have an information evening for Year 7 parents about the Beaumanor residential trip, that starts at 6pm. This is a really useful evening to attend, but due to the limited space in the performance hall, this event is for parents and carers only. The Spanish Exchange also leave to stay with their host families in Zaragoza next Tuesday and on Friday 17th November, the school is closed to all pupils, as staff use this time to collaborate on A-Level planning. If you have any concerns about your child not being in school on that day, or you need a place for your child, please contact your child’s year team as soon as possible.

Today, we also sent out a letter with regard to the results of the uniform consultation, thank you again to those of you who responded. It has been really clear that cost, style and durability of the current uniform in place needs reconsideration. To this end we have decided to extend the non-branded skirts, school shorts and trousers and resolve this issue moving forward. A copy of this letter and the links to the updated uniform policy and examples of uniform from high street shops that confirm with our policy can be found within the body of the bulletin.

Wishing you all a pleasant weekend.

Lynn Mayes


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