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Parent Bulletin 12.01.2024

12th January 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

I’d like to start by thanking you all for your generous donations to our Christmas Appeal, which raised a wonderful £1,092 and was equally divided between our families with children who receive Free School Meals.

With the cold weather this week, we have reminded all pupils about the dangers of going near to the icy lakes in Cambourne or even trying to walk on them. The ice will not be thick and there is a real danger of pupils falling into the water. Please do also remind your children about the importance of safety around water and avoiding going on the lakes at this time of year.

We have also been receiving reports about near accidents with the icy roads, especially down Swansley Lane, which also causes congestion and difficulties for residents, and it is a real hazard for the many pupils who cycle to school. If your child has a specific need to be driven to school, please use the main school car park, avoiding the Disabled parking bays if you do not have a valid permit. Otherwise, we ask that pupils are provided with weather-proof clothing and make their own way to school. We continue to recommend that if any local residents experience any public order offences, residents should report this to the Police, who will then pass this on to the Neighbourhood teams. In addition, residents can contact the parish council to request that yellow lines to be put in along Swansley Lane especially.

Next week we have our Options Open Evening for our Year 9 pupils and their families, on Thursday 18th January. Letters have already been sent home about this. I’d like to also remind you that the school is closed to all pupils on Tuesday 23rd January, so that teachers can focus on developing the very strong curriculum we have here. You would have also received notification before Christmas that on Monday 11th March, the school is closed for pupils in Year 7-10 (our Year 11s are in as normal). This is to enable additional time for staff to collaborate on the 6th form planning and development to be ready for September. 

Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend.

Yours sincerely

Lynn Mayes

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