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Parent Bulletin 12.07.2024

12th July 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Activities week kicks off next week, with the majority of our Year 7s heading to Beaumanor and the remaining year groups involved in different activities with our Year 10s also on Work Experience all week. We hope that everyone has a wonderful time in whatever activities they are taking part in and also please be aware that because it is Activities Week next week, there will be no PE clubs running. 

There will be at least 10 coaches arriving on Monday morning between 7:15am and 9:15am and the layby in front of the Cambourne and Hardwick Primary School and Cambourne Village College will be reserved for coaches only next week. There are 6 or 7 coaches on the other days and the coaches have been staggered by the times that they actually arrive may vary. 

If you need to drop your child off or pick them up please be as quick as possible, give way to the coaches and park so the coaches can pass; they have a wide turning circle.  Please do not park in spaces marked as disabled.

Students participating in in-school activities should arrive at school in time for registration at 8.35am; apart from Art Encounters all in-school activities require students to wear school uniform or school PE uniform. The school canteen will be open as normal for morning break and lunch time.

Next week is also the last opportunity to collect any medication that the school has stored for you. During the holidays, we will be returning any unused medications to a pharmacy for appropriate disposal. This includes both over the counter and prescription medications. Also, please do remind your child to clear out their lockers by Monday first thing, at the very latest. These will start to be cleaned and moved to their new areas and any items not collected will be removed to lost property.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend (and enjoy the football if you are watching!)

Lynn Mayes


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