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Parent Bulletin 13.10.2023

13th October 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

We have had another positive week in school, despite the now autumn feel to the weather! As a reminder, with the wet weather coming in, the car park will continue to be busier than normal, so do allow extra time for this. Also, it is our Curriculum Extension days next week (see inside the bulletin for more information), where Years 7 - 10 will all take part in activities and studies beyond the classroom. There will be at least 8 coaches on site on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, so please encourage your children to walk, cycle or scoot to school on those days. 

Also next week, we have the Information Evening for the Spanish Trip on Wednesday 18th October, so please do attend that if your child is going on that over half term. This trip is always popular and they have a wonderful time exploring Granada in southern Spain.

You will also see in the bulletin, we have part two of our uniform consultation. You can complete this here: This is really important that each parent and carer fills this in so we can get the widest range of views on our uniform provision; the style, cost and any other thoughts you want to bring to our attention. This consultation is open for two weeks, until Sunday 29th October, after which we will feedback the results to you all via a focus group.  

With one more week to go until Half Term, at which time we will be clearing out our lost property - either donating to charity, or putting into our 2nd hand uniform stock. If your child has lost an item, and it is named, please ask them to go to their year team office in the first instance. For all other enquires, either drop into reception or email  

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

Lynn Mayes


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