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Parent Bulletin 14.06.2024

14th June 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

I am pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for our summer productions, include DNA, to be shown on Wednesday 26th June. “A group of teenagers do something bad, then panic and cover it up. But when they find that the cover-up unites them, where's the incentive to put things right?” Age 13+ advised.

Our Head of Music, Geoff Page, has written and produced the music for our Year 7 & 8 production, Going for Gold, which looks to be another superb performance by our younger students. Two evening slots are available for this, on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July.

And if that is not enough, our Summer Concert will end another fantastic year of productions, on Thursday 11th July, starting at 7pm. Tickets to all our events can be found here: If you need help with purchasing tickets, please email Emma Soley on We are looking forward to seeing you join us and celebrate the amazing talent of our students.

Please may I make a final plea to all year 11s to return their borrowed textbooks and revision guides as soon as they have finished with the related exams, which is very soon, given there are only 3 more days of exams to go! We are all very proud of all our Year 11s and how well they have gotten through their exams so far and with their Leavers Day next Thursday 20th, they will be able to celebrate the end of their exams with their classmates – lets just hope the weather has warmed up by then!

There are a lot of trips and activities coming up for all our lower years over the next few weeks including for Geography, English, Art, Maths and an Athletic Jubilee event for which we wish all our pupils the best of luck in! Next week there is also the private showing of all Year 11 GCSE art and photography work, which will be held on Wednesday 19th June, from 6:30pm.

Thank you for your continued support with sending your children into school with the correct uniform. Some bad habits seem to however be creeping back in and we would appreciate your help in ensuring that all pupils continue to meet our uniform expectations. More information on this is available in the body of this week’s bulletin, and as ever, on our website here:

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend

Lynn Mayes


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