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Parent Bulletin 14.10.2022

14th October 2022

This weeks bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

International Talent Evening

Congratulations to all the Year 7 pupils who participated in our celebration of language and diversity last night – and especial thanks to the pupils who performed an additional item from their cultural heritage – it was a treat of an evening!  Thank you to all the parents who came to support the pupils; they all performed really well, with the Spanglovision title being narrowly won by Class 7O.

Anti-social Behaviour in the Community

This week, we’ve been working with the Police to identify a number of groups of boys who have been targeting Cambourne residents’ houses in the evenings, throwing eggs and other items, and generally intimidating the occupants.  I would urge all Cambourne residents to contact the Police immediately if they become aware of any such behaviour, and parents should be clear that we will always cooperate with the Police to identify any of our pupils who behave in these ways.  If the house of a member of staff is involved, very serious sanctions will follow, in line with our Behaviour and Discipline Policy.

Theft of Bikes from Bike Sheds

In addition to the above, a number of pupils have reported their bike or scooter going missing from the bike sheds this week.  We only lock the bike sheds during the day, and any bikes left unlocked after 3.15pm can very easily be removed by any passer-by on the bridlepath.  Please, therefore, ensure your child is locking their bike or scooter.  The school cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage to items left in the bike sheds, although we do our best to look into any incident, and are currently upgrading the CCTV in this area.

Police Community Event

We’ve been asked to share the information that Darryl Preston, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, will be available to meet Cambourne residents on the evening of 20th October.  These are one-to-one meetings with members of the public, held between 7pm and 8.30pm at the Great Cambourne Cricket Pavilion (CB23 6EQ) next Thursday evening. 

I hope you all have a very good weekend.

Yours sincerely

Claire Coates

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