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Parent Bulletin 15.12.2023

15th December 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

A huge congratulations to all the pupils involved in the Christmas Concert last night. It was a phenomenal evening, showcasing our amazing and very talented pupils who performed superbly to a packed audience. Huge credit and thanks must go to our music department who have worked incredibly hard setting this up, although they can’t rest just yet, as on Monday 18th we have our showing of ‘A Christmas Carol’, by our Year 7 and Year 8 pupils. The show starts at 7pm and information about how to get tickets, if you haven’t got yours already, is inside the body of the bulletin. We’re looking forward to seeing you all there for what will be another amazing show!

Also on Tuesday 19th, we are having a Christmas Jumper day (or festive accessory), but this is optional. Pupils are required to wear all other aspects of their uniform as normal. We will be collecting donations of £1 on this day to go towards our FSM Christmas Appeal for 2023. Thank you to all of you who have donated so far, we have raised a fantastic £910. If you feel that you may be able to donate, please do so via ParentPay. These will be transferred to our families receiving Free School Meals as supermarket vouchers.

The last day of term is Wednesday 20th December. The schedule for all pupils that day will be:

  • Periods 1 and 2: Normal Lessons
  • Break: As normal
  • Periods 3 and 4: In tutor groups
  • Lunch: As normal
  • Staggered leave: Years 7 and 8 to leave at 1:25pm, Year 9 at 1:30pm and Years 10 and 11 at 1:35pm.

As the term ends, we are also saying goodbye to several members of staff. Miss Curtis, Miss Gassner and Miss Barden, are all leaving the PE department, and Mr Taylor and Mrs Durrant from Geography are also saying goodbye. They will all be hugely missed, and I want to thank them all for their hard work and dedication over the years.

Our new school term will start again on Monday 8th January for all pupils. Also in the New Year, we are hoping to start up again our Aspirational Fridays for our pupils at lunchtimes so they can hear inspirational stories and talks about careers and the world around them! Successful talks in the past have come from a Video Game Designer, a Psychologist and a museum curator! If you, or anyone you know would like to come in and talk to our pupils about their career, hobby or anything at all you are passionate about, please email Miss Williams on

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Lynn Mayes


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