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Parent Bulletin 16.02.2024

16th February 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to all parents and carers who have already voted in our election for a new parent governor on the governing body. Each parent/carer is allowed one vote for one individual and if you haven’t already cast your vote, you can do so until Noon on Monday 26th February. Information about the candidates and how to vote is via this form:

Also, on the first day back after half term, on Monday 26th February, are the Year 8 HPV Vaccinations. In the body of this week’s bulletin is the letter (which all Year 8 parents and carers should have already received) that has links needed to either accept or decline the vaccination, which HAS TO BE COMPLETED BY 25TH FEBRUARY AT THE LATEST.  If the NHS do not receive a response, owing to time constraints it is unlikely that the vaccinators on the day will be able to contact parents/carers to obtain consent or confirm refusal, and any pupils lacking consent therefore risk being turned away.

The first week back after half term, we also have the Year 8 Parent Consultation on Thursday 29th February. School will finish at 1:30pm for all pupils and periods 3-6 will be taught that day.

Please remember also, that from Monday 26th February, all E Scooters are banned from the College site. Any pupils seen riding these will have them confiscated.

Wishing everyone a wonderful half term break.

Lynn Mayes


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