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Parent Bulletin 18.10.2024

18th October 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you to all our Year 7s who participated in the International Talent Evening last night and for those of you who came along and supported. It was an amazing night showcasing and celebrating our different ethnic groups and the languages spoken in Cambourne. All the children performed fantastically well, showcasing their talents to a packed house. A really big well done and huge congratulations to all the students involved.

Today, we had the mop-up flu vaccinations in school for our pupils. If for any reason your child missed having their flu vaccination, the NHS are running catch up clinics: Catch up clinics East Anglia. Appointments do not need to be pre-booked – you may just turn up at any time during the session. Vaccinations will not be available at your GP’s surgery unless your child has an underlying medical condition.

I have been informed again of further issues along Swansley Lane from residents. Please may I remind you all again to NOT use Swansley Lane as a drop off/pick up place. The road was not designed to be a route into the school for cars and this also causes local residents a lot of issues at these peak times, but most importantly the additional traffic compromises the safety of our children, who walk and cycle that way. Please ensure your children leave plenty of time to get to school, ideally on foot, by bike or scooter and if you need to drop them off at school, please come down Sheepfold Lane and avoid Swansley Lane altogether.

I also need to inform you that from Monday 21st, the catering overdraft limit for each child will be £5. If your child goes over that limit, this will unfortunately mean that no additional purchases can be made. Please could all parents ensure that your child's overdraft balance on ParentPay is cleared over this weekend.

Next week we have our Curriculum Extension days for all pupils. Parents should have already been informed about this, there is also an additional message inside this week's bulletin.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend

Lynn Mayes


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