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Parent Bulletin 20.05.2022

20th May 2022

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

We are well into the summer exams period.   The administration of these is a huge undertaking, even when all goes well.  On Tuesday morning, our internet and phone services went down, and we’re very grateful to the primary school who helped us out by printing some papers.  This was followed in the afternoon by an unannounced visit from a JCQ inspector – the body that oversees external exams - but despite such diversions, all has proceeded smoothly.  The Year 11 students’ approach has been almost impeccable, and younger pupils are becoming accustomed to the ‘Quiet Please’ notices in many parts of the school.  With thanks to our Exams Team, who are working flat-out… One week down!

Year 7 Parent Consultation takes place virtually, next Thursday 26 May.  If you have had any difficulties in making appointments, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s tutor.  School will finish at 1.30pm for all pupils.

Extra-curricular activities continue to provide enrichment for pupils. Last Friday we were delighted to host the ‘Young Tree Champion – Speaking up for Nature’ workshop.  This was an activity organised by Ms Teo, our Environment Coordinator, and the English Department.  Speeches were written in lessons, and nominated pupils attended the workshop at which they honed their performance skills.  The feedback from the organiser speaks volumes – congratulations to everyone who took part:

I had to remind myself that I was standing in from of a mixed year group, they all worked together so brilliantly and the standards were extremely high.  The speeches were some of the best I have ever heard, and I do not say that lightly, I just know we have many superstars who will continue sharing their passion for nature and literally make a difference to those who take the time to listen, our world needs them.  I see we had 23 winners in that group. 

Tonight is our first ever Charity Sleep Out!   Led by Ms Rose, 23 Year 10 students will spend the night sleeping outside in a secure part of the school, with cardboard to create shelters from.  They are raising money for the charity ‘Help Refugees’.  If you would like to support them, please do make a donation to 

School Uniform    We are continuing to contact parents about some very short school skirts being worn.  Please support us in making sure that if your daughter is wearing a skirt, its hem is at least closer to her knee than to her behind, at this stage of the year.

Wishing you all a very good weekend,

Claire Coates


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