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Parent Bulletin 22.09.2023

22nd September 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for continuing to send your children to school looking smart in their uniform. This was reflected this week when we had Kittle Photographic in school to take individual photos of our Year 7s and Year 11s. Kittle will be back in school on Monday 20th November to take tutor group photos for both Years 7 and 11 (as well as Year 8, who were not able to have their tutor group photos last year). 

As a reminder, pupil flu vaccinations will start on Tuesday next week (26th September). Whether you give consent for your child(ren) to have the flu vaccination or not, you must complete the online consent form by this Sunday, 24th September. The link to complete the consent form is here: 

On Monday 25th, all Year 11s (and their families) are invited to attend the College from 6pm onwards, for our Post-16 launch event. More details are inside the body of the bulletin. Our first trips of the year also start next week, with a MFL trip to Paris, next Friday 29th. We wish them all bon voyage!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Lynn Mayes


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