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Parent Bulletin 24.11.2023

24th November 2023

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

After last year’s big success, we are organising our second Community Litter Picking Event tomorrow (Saturday 25th November). The weather looks sunny but cold, so wrap up warm and bring your friends to join the team at the Great Cambourne Cricket Pavilion, Back Lane, CB23 6DZ from 10am until 1pm. Even if you can only stay an hour, your help will be very much appreciated and of course, you’ll be doing something incredibly useful for the Cambourne community.

You may also be aware that on Tuesday 28th, there is a Walk for Peace, leaving from the College at about 3:10pm. Our pupils are keen to show their solidarity with the humanitarian efforts to save and safeguard the lives of people living through the conflict between Israel and Palestine and so Cambourne staff will lead a walk through Cambourne and back to the College, after which there will be a bake sale to raise money for Save the Children. All donations are warmly welcomed.

Mock Exams for our Year 11s will start in earnest on Monday 4th December, but next week are two whole days for Photography and Art coursework, on Wednesday and Thursday. Link to revision tips and the exams page are on our website here:

There is only a four-day week next week, as on Friday 1st December, the College is closed. After school on Thursday 30th, I’m sure the Year 7s and the Year 8s will all have fun at their respective disco’s – more information about timings can be found in the body of this week’s bulletin.

For your information, we often get cases of head lice in school. Please check your child’s hair for these, at least once a week. If any are found on your child, advice for treatment can be found here:

Wishing you all a pleasant weekend.

Best wishes,

Lynn Mayes

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