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Parent Bulletin 28.06.2024

28th June 2024

This week's bulletin is available here.

Dear Parents and Carers

What a wonderful week we have had this week – on Tuesday we had 2 students competing in the Speak out challenge at Anglia Ruskin University and did so well, although we did finally loose to Comberton Village College. 6 students were also invited to London to go for the final of the Goldsmiths Awards. This process started about 6 months ago with 120 schools initially taking part. Each school had to demonstrate what we do for our community and the finals consisted of 8 schools and I’m very proud to say that Cambourne Village College won, beating out the other 7 private schools! Absolutely fantastic work by all our pupils and the staff that were with them. Well done to all!

This week, we also had our 6th form taster day, celebrations for pride month, Cam VC’s first black box production ‘DNA’ – what a superb performance by the students and the Year 9 Enterprise Day through Form the Future. Thank you to all our volunteers who took the time to help our Year 9s and that you enjoyed the experience as much as our pupils did.

Next week we will host new intake days for current Year 6s who are joining us in September and next Friday 5th July will be our cultural celebration day, which is non-uniform for all pupils and staff, and we encourage everyone to wear their cultural dress if they would like to. Further details about what is allowed to wear is in the bullet this week.

As you may remember, 4 students from Cam VC are travelling to Australia, Sydney to participate in the First Lego League Asia Pacific Championship today. To give a sneak-peek of their work, they have created a YouTube channel. We would urge parents and students to support these students by subscribing to their channel (@CERCActiv8) and follow them on X (@CERCActiv8) and we wish them all the luck and hope they have a wonderful experience competing against so many different countries.

Finally, we would like to draw your attention to an event in memory of the mother of three of our pupils here, Susan Palmer. Last year Susan suddenly fell ill and it became apparent that she wouldn't recover. Sue Ryder St John Hospice in moggerhanger were truly brilliant looking after her in her final weeks as well as supporting her family through this challenging time. Her friends are raising some funds for the Sue Ryder to help others facing this difficult challenge in the future and at the same time provide an opportunity for families and friends a get together and get Active. The event will be held on Sunday 14th July at the Dugout, Cambourne starting from 10am for the staggered activities. These sport challenges will finish 2-3pm. Or just come, support, and catch up with everyone at 3pm. From 3pm onward,  there will be a mass get together with a BBQ , cake stall, Bar , Raffle draw and a bouncy castle and Helter skelter at £5 for unlimited goes. They are also looking for Donations for the Raffle. If you can help with this, please contact Eddie Thorn (Susan's partner) 07876453422 Or for cakes donations please contact Claire Giffiths 07597977215. Those cycling/walking will need to register – the registration fee includes a free burger/hot dog. Please go to httsps:// Adults price is reduced to £5 for those registering before 5th July. You can register on the day but if would help if you could indicate interest before then so there is enough food. If you would like to make a donation, please use this link: -

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,

Lynn Mayes


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