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Positive Case of Covid-19 in School

16th December 2020

Dear Parents and Carers 

We have received notification today of a case of Covid 19 in a pupil in Year 7. Having undertaken our usual contact-tracing exercise, there are no identified contacts who need to self-isolate. The case has been reported to the Local Authority and all procedures have been followed; there is no reason for us to ask Year 7 to work from home. 

At present we have the following identified positive cases across the school:

Year 11: 5
Year 10: 1
Year 9: 0
Year 8: 6
Year 7: 1
Staff: 1

I hope you will be reassured to know that the most recent cases had already been identified as contacts of those pupils who tested positive last week. They were already isolating, hence no further contact tracing has been necessary. 

Year 7 and Year 9 pupils should continue to attend school for the last two days of term. Years 11, 10 and 8 will continue to work from home for the rest of this week, following the remote learning set each morning via ShowMyHomework. Supermarket vouchers have been arranged for the families of children not attending school; staff are in close contact with our vulnerable pupils as they learn at home.

We are sharing the information about positive cases of Covid-19 in school in order to dispel unhelpful rumours and to give parents and carers confidence that they are being kept fully informed.  Please continue to monitor your family closely and:

  • Keep your children and everyone in the household at home if someone develops symptoms(See attachment)
  • Anyone who is presenting with symptoms must get a test immediately:
  • Inform the school of any developments using this link: Covid19 Information
  • Maintain and encourage all household members to follow WASH, SPACE, FACE guidance; i.e. washing your hands regularly, keeping your distance and  wearing a face covering

If any pupil tests positive after developing symptoms this week and on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th December, please alert the College using this link: Covid19 Information so that Track and Trace can take place.

Christmas Holidays

During the holidays please continue to submit information regarding household symptoms on this link: Covid19 Information

Many thanks for your support during this ongoing situation.

Yours sincerely

Philippa Boyns

Deputy Principal

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