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Pupil Positive Cases and Year 8 Closure

12th December 2020

Dear Parents and Carers 

We have been advised today that further children at school have tested positive for Covid-19. Having undertaken a thorough contact-tracing exercise, we identified a significant number of contacts among Year 8 and these pupils have been advised to self-isolate. After liaison with the Local Authority Covid Advisory Team, we have taken the further precaution of closing Year 8 until the rest of term; this means that all pupils in Year 8 will learn from home, with work set by their teachers, for the rest of term. One further child has tested positive in another year group; and contacts of this student have been advised to self-isolate.

Having observed these measures, school can remain open and your child should continue to attend as normal if they remain well. 

We are sharing the information about positive cases of Covid-19 in school in order to dispel unhelpful rumours and to give parents and carers confidence that they are being kept fully informed. Please continue to monitor your family closely for any signs or symptoms of the virus and take action according to the attached guidance. Please keep the school fully informed of any possible case in your household and of your family’s isolation status, to help us keep abreast of any emerging issues. 

Your sincerely

Claire Coates


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