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School Organisation

18th March 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

School Organisation

As you are aware, we are working under unusual circumstances at school this week.  A large number of staff and pupils are now in self-isolation and we are working to manage this situation.  Our priority is to continue to provide high-quality learning in the classroom, and to set work for pupils in self-isolation, on a daily basis.  At present, we can best do this by asking one year-group each day to work from home, and to use the staff thus made free from classroom teaching to cover for absent colleagues.  In this way, we are better able to maintain high standards of learning and behaviour than if we were to engage large numbers of agency supply teachers – of whom fewer are now available.   The situation is clearly very fluid and likely to change.  Should schools be asked to close by Public Health England, much more specific arrangements will be put in place to continue the home education of all pupils.

Present Arrangements: 

Thursday 19th:            Year 7 home study all day

Friday 20th:                 Year 8 home study all day

Friday 20th:                 Year 11 home study periods 1-4.  Pupils expected in class from 1.20pm

                                    NB – All Year 11 pupils sitting Food Exams must be in for full day.

Self Isolation

Please see our website for a copy of the latest Government guidance on when members of your family should be in self-isolation, either through possible exposure to the COVID-19 virus, or because an adult is in a particularly vulnerable group.  If you have a child who is considered vulnerable, please seek advice from your GP before sending your child to school.  Please keep us informed of any pupil absences by emailing the College with the child’s name, form and brief reason for absence. 

Providing Work for Absent Pupils   - Please see attachment

Please encourage your child to check their school email account daily and to log into ShowMyHomeWork.

  • On designated ‘Work From Home’ days, pupils will be set work on Show My Home Work to cover the lessons that would be missed that day. Self-isolating pupils within this year group can access this work.
  • All pupils in self-isolation will find work on ShowMyHomeWork to educate them every day. This may not mirror the lessons being missed, but will be part of their general curriculum.
  • Pupils in Year 11 should refer to an email message sent to them today.

Please do not message individual teachers with queries about work for the remainder of this week; a high volume of such requests are being made and these cannot be met on an individual basis at present.

Internet Access

If your child is not able to connect to the internet in order to access work being set, please contact your child’s Year team and we will try to find a solution with you. 

Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Many of our teaching assistants are not currently in school and we are doing our very best to prioritise additional support for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We will continue to carefully map support for the pupils, according to their needs and staff availability, and appreciate your support and understanding.  Booklets of work for SEN pupils on Work From Home days are being distributed. 

Pupil Reports

Year 11 reports to parents will be issued this term as published.  There will be a delay in sending Year 7 reports; thank you for your understanding over this. 

Pupil Anxiety

We know that some of our pupils are feeling very anxious about the COVID-19 outbreak.   We recommend that any child feeling particularly worried should contact the Young Minds service:

We will send further information about how a child can contact school for advice about their mental health needs, in a future communication.

Year 11 Exams

We are aware that Year 11 pupils in particular will be feeling extremely concerned about the possible impact of COVID-19 on the summer exams series.  We are monitoring carefully all information from the Government on this matter, and will convey any information as it becomes available.

With all good wishes,

Claire Coates


Show My Homework Login Guidance for Parents

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