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Some Spectacular Results!

20th August 2020

We've had some fantastic and well deserved results achieved by our pupils this year. We would normally enjoy some celebrations in school when they come to collect, but this year we've asked for some responses over email.


How do you feel about your results? They were very good. They reflect what level I was working at and I’m proud of them. I’m ecstatic and relieved that the system has now worked out.

Which grade are you most proud of? Spanish. I got an 8! My teachers understood that I could do better than my mock (grade 7) and took into account my classwork.

What are your next steps? I’m going to Hills Road.  I’ve just filled in my registration details and I’m really excited to start in September.  I am studying Double Maths, Physics and Computer Science A-levels.  I hope to go on to be an aeronautical engineer.


I am really happy with my result and I feel like my hard work has paid off. I am really proud of my STEM subject results particularly Chemistry as I wasnt expecting that grade.I am going to Hills Road to study double maths, physics and biology.


I’m beyond ecstatic about my results! Recently, it’s been a very stressful time for year 11s across the country so it was a huge relief to see that all the hard work my teachers and I put into preparing for exams had paid off.

I’m so happy with all my grades and a huge part of the credit belongs to my teachers for all their support and encouragement over my time at CVC. If I had to choose one grade I’m most relieved/proud of, it would be definitely Psychology because the curriculum is so varied and I really struggled with it in Year 10, but Miss Plumb was very supportive and I’m so grateful she helped me achieve my true potential.

I’m studying Economics, Business, Maths and English Language at Hills Road, which I’m really excited for – September cannot come quick enough. I plan to study economics at university and my dream job would be somewhere in the finance/management industry, maybe even at my own company!


I'm so incredibly grateful for my results and I owe much it to my kind and dedicated school. My grades resemble the extraordinary extent to which my teachers went to, in order to support everyone in their studies. This includes the many voluntary after-school revision sessions, one-on-one tutoring sessions and countless tips that we students encountered along the way. It also goes without saying that both my mum and dad played a big part in me receiving these results by encouraging me to keep going when things got hard! Finally, I am proud of myself for my own hard work and resilience.

While I'm proud of all my grades, I find my outcome in maths to be the biggest highlight. This is because I started in a lower set but through hard work I managed to move up and achieve my goals.

I'm enrolling for Chemistry, Maths and Economics at Hills Road Sixth Form but I'm not entirely sure which career path I'm most interested in. I've chosen these subjects as they provide me with the largest spectrum of career opportunities that interest me.


I’m feeling extremely happy, I was very nervous hearing all the news and everything changing all the time so it was such a relief to get the grades I wanted.

It’s hard to pick a grade I'm most proud of because I’m happy with all of them, but I’d say my English Lit grade because I worked extremely hard at home, and getting an 8 in music was some achievement for me after spending 5 months with a broken wrist this year!

I plan to go and study A-Levels at Comberton Sixth Form, the subjects I’ve chosen are English Literature, Spanish and Economics. I’m not too sure at the moment with what I want to do in the future, so I’m keeping my paths open and hoping that through my A-Levels I find the best career for myself.


I feel really elated and excited about my results, I feel they are a good reflection of my character and hard work, taking into account all that has happened this year. 

My highlight was finding that I had no 7s! And the biggest suprise on top of that was getting a great grade in chemistry, especially because I wasnt expecting such a high mark. 

I am going on to study English Literature, Sociology, and Politics at Hills Road sixth form college. In terms of career options, I'm considering law to then become a barrister, but I'm also interested in the social sciences. 


I am very proud of my results and honestly a bit surprised as well! I am particularly happy with my Psychology and Art grades as they were my most intensive subjects with ups and downs, but to see all the hard work pay off was so satisfying !

I have enrolled to Hills Road and am super excited to continue my love of STEM and explore physics, chemistry and further maths. These will hopefully aid my career as a physicist and maybe one day write all the books I used to borrow from the library!


I was over the moon with my results; I have always worked hard and I feel they were well deserved. The highlight was my grade 9 in Chemistry.  I aimed to get a least one 9 and I got one!  I am going to study Maths, Chemistry and Physics at A level (at Hills Road).


I'm most proud of my English Literature grade. It may not be my highest, but it was the hardest subject for me that I cared about.

My next step is 6th form where I'm trying to get into Hills Road, but I'll apply to Comberton and Netherhall too. I'm wanting to take: Classical Civilizations (only provided by Hills), Government and politics, and Economics. (In that order).

For my career I would like to become a self-published auther and a known philosopher. For the career that would earn me money I haven't thought about it much. My current plan is to just find a job I enjoy and try to rise through its ranks.


I am very pleased with my results, particularly my English Literature grade. Aidan also achieved top grades in Maths, Statistics and Further Maths. He is going on to study Chemistry, Physics and Maths at A-level and is thinking about becoming an aeronautical engineer.


Overall I’m happy with my result, especially given the current situation. I was really pleased with my Statistics grade as I had been considering dropping it in Year 10 as it was an additional GCSE. I’m glad I didn’t. I am happy that I also got 8s in Biology, Chemistry and Maths as these are the subjects I will be taking at A-level. I hope to go into medicine or clinical research.


I am very happy with my results, better than I had hoped. The highlights were my grade 9 in Business and I’m delighted with my Maths grade (7) which means I have got my Hills Road place. I’m going to take Maths, Business and Economics at A-level.


I was very happy with my results. I had accepted that it was out of my hands and whatever happened, happened. I was so relieved when I got my results. It was my hard work and my teachers saw that. I’m really proud. I had hoped to get at least four grade 9s and I got seven! I was over the moon. I am going to study Biology, Chemistry and Double Maths at A-level, so I now have my work cut out. I want to study medicine and become a doctor; I’ve wanted to do this ever since Year 9. I have applied to be a volunteer at Addenbrookes hospital and am very excited because I have been short listed for interview.


I was reasonably happy with my grades. They were fair but there are a few that I wonder if I could have done better in if I had been able to sit the exam.  I am most pleased with my Business and History grades. I am going to Comberton Sixth Form to study Business, English and Sociology.


I was happy with my grades but it was annoying as it wasn’t an exact reflection of what I perhaps could of done, particularly if I had revised more for my mocks. The grades were very fair but I would have liked to have seen what I could have got from taking the exams. I was most proud of my English (grades 6 and 7). I was not confident with reading when I joined school in Year 7, but I made lots of progress. I am going on to Comberton Sixth Form to take a BTEC in Business. I thought about A-levels but I prefer the coursework element of BTECs.


I'm very happy with my results. Granted what I was predicted at the beginning of school and at the beginning of Year 11.

Next year I'll be studying music performance, something I've been extremely passionate about my whole life. I'll be attending Cambridge Regional College purely because they offer the best course and facilities in music and performing arts I've seen around Cambridge. I hope to one day find myself playing music for a living, and I know the path I have chosen will get me there!

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