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Update 25.03.2020

25th March 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

We appreciate how hard it must be for many of you trying to work at home yourselves while overseeing your children’s learning – not to mention doing this in such confined conditions. Thank you for all your efforts so far: the quality of work coming in is very good.    We understand the difficulties that some of you have had in logging into the various platforms we’re using, and are listening to feedback about some pupils - and parents - feeling a bit overwhelmed.  We’ll keep working on making the learning as accessible as possible for everyone.  Please just do what you can this week, as we all adjust to this new way of working.

 Please note the following:

  • Pupil absence: If your child is unwell and unable to log in to ShowMyHomeWork, please inform us in the normal way: email with child’s name, form and reason for absence.   Otherwise, we need to follow up when a child has not logged in to SMHW at all in a day.
  • Queries about logins and passwords:  please email
  • Free School Meals: packed lunches will still be available for pick-up from the dining hall tomorrow while the new voucher system is being set up.  Please email with any queries about this.
  • Collection of items from school: please do not send pupils to school to collect anything, due to Government rules on staying at home.
  • Cancelled school trips: please bear with us if you are waiting for a refund.  Mrs Noble is working on this as hard as she can.

Key Workers’ Scheme: for those attending school because a parent is a critical worker, or because the child has an EHCP, or is considered vulnerable and has a social worker.

  • School catering is stopping from next Monday. Apologies: please send your child with a packed lunch next week.
  • Easter opening: the government has asked schools to remain open over the Easter break.  Please look out for a School Post tomorrow asking for your needs.

Very best wishes everyone.

Claire Coates


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