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Year Group Home Study Days

17th March 2020

Dear Parents and Carers: Year Group Home Study Days   You are aware that we have severe staff sho ...

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School remains OPEN 17.03.2020

17th March 2020

Dear Parents and Carers We are receiving a number of enquiries as to why we are not closing the College for all ...

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Update from Department for Education

17th March 2020

New guidance for households with symptoms Yesterday, the Government introduced new guidance on whole househol ...

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Pupils’ Health and Attendance at School

16th March 2020

Please observe the new Government guidance: If anyone in your household has symptoms of a persistent cough a ...

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Cambourne Village College Year 9 pupils to study at home on 17.03.2020

16th March 2020

Following the Government’s announcement late this afternoon directing more groups of people to self-isolate ...

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Snowsports Trip 2020 - CANCELLED

9th March 2020

Since the Aosta Valley has now been closed as part of the management of the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy, please ...

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