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News@Cam Summer Edition

18th July 2018

The bumper edition packed with news and stories from exciting events this term is now available to read here ...

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National Award for CamVC

22nd June 2018

Cambourne Village College was today named as a silver medal winner in The Pearson Teaching Awards School of the Ye ...

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Duke of Edinburgh success

24th May 2018

We are pleased to report that Cambourne Village College year 10s have recently completed their Bronze Practice Exp ...

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Year 11 GCSE Art and Photography Exhibition

22nd May 2018

Please come along to the GCSE Art and Photography Exhibition taking place on Friday 8th June from 7.30pm - 9pm. ...

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Pop up Museum now open

3rd May 2018

The Cambourne Archaeology Club pop-up museum is now open. The museum will be open from 3pm – 6.30pm on Th ...

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Award for CamVC Apprentice

30th April 2018

Russell Challis has been named Apprentice of the Month by the organisation that oversees his training for The Cam ...

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