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Complaints will be dealt with in three stages, as described below.

Unless the school considers there are exceptional circumstances, these stages must all be completed sequentially until a resolution is reached.

a) Stage 1 discussion. This stage starts when a concern has been raised, and a stakeholder is not satisfied with the response provided. Such issues should be raised, in the first instance, with those most closely involved and their immediate managers; this gives the best chance for a quick resolution.

b) Stage 2 written complaint. Where a complaint cannot be resolved through Stage 1 discussions, the details should be put in writing by the complainant to the Principal/Headteacher, and an investigation carried out by the school. 

c) Stage 3 panel hearing. Where a complainant has a substantial disagreement with the outcome of the Stage 2 complaint, they may appeal to a panel hearing that will include an independent person. The panel’s decision is final.

To read The Cam Academy Trust Complaints policy which explains this in full, please click here

The Cambourne Village College Complaints form can be downloaded here.

Please return all forms to Cambourne Village College, Sheepfold Lane, Cambourne, Cambs, CB23 6FR ( who will acknowledge receipt.