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Exams Information

General Examination Information

Examinations are a very important part of your time at Cambourne Village College. This section is designed to provide easy access to up-to-date information on examinations.

Important documents covering the current JCQ rules and regulations can also be found below. These rules and regulations must be adhered to by all students taking examinations at CamVC.

GCSE Certificates - Summer 2023

Summer 2023 GCSE certificates are now available for collection from school reception during opening hours 8:00 – 4:00

You will need to bring ID and sign to collect them

Summer 2024 GCSE Exams

The written summer exams will run from May 9th - June 19th

Study leave will begin Monday 3rd June

Please see the below timetables:

Summer 2024 Exams - by Date [pdf]
Summer 2024 Exams - by Subject [pdf]

You will receive an individual timetable in the summer term.

The speaking exams for French, German & Spanish will happen in the week beginning April 22nd – Your teacher will let you know your timeslot.

The Photography exam is Tuesday April 30th & Wednesday May 1st

The Art exam is Thursday May 2nd & Friday May 3rd

Year 10 Mock Exams Summer 2024

Timetable available here

Contingency Day 2024

The Exam boards have collectively agreed a contingency day for several years now which is always scheduled at the end of the GCSE examination timetable. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, further resilience was needed within the exam timetables. Contingency day is available if a national event or incident had a significant effect on the exam timetable. For Summer 2024 the contingency day is Wednesday June 26th. When making plans for the summer please be aware of this as all candidates are encouraged to remain available until this date.

Results Day 2024

Results day will be Thursday 22nd August

Further details about collecting your results will be given nearer the time